Cheery Letters
Learning the letters is more cheerful than ever

Cheery Letters (in Dutch: Lollige Letters) is an app for Apple and Android that makes learning the letters of the alphabet and their location on the keyboard joyful and fun. The app is aimed at Dutch children aged 3 to 6 who are just being introduced to the alphabet.
It is a cheerful app that presents children with pictures, the word of which is read aloud. The idea is to find and type the starting letter on the phone or tablet keyboard. A correct answer is rewarded with confetti and cheers. Guessing several correct letters earns extra rewards.
It is a perfect app to introduce small children to letters in short sessions. In our experience, they really enjoy it and there’s significant improvement in their letter knowledge after just a few sessions of a few minutes. With more than 25000 installations, the app has proven its usefulness and appeal to preschoolers. Playfully teach your toddler the letters too. (Note: this app is Dutch):
Watch the promovideo for more information: